Nov 2016 , blogs

Nepal Election 2013 Interactive Map

Hover the cursor over the districts to explore the voter statistics for each constituency, including the party which won the election. The fill colors represents the parties which won the district, while "DIV" indicates more than one party won equal number of seats.

Constituent Assembly Election Data for 2013 from Election Commission, Nepal was used to generate this interctive electorate map for Nepal, using DataMaps.
The shapefile containing the district boundaries of Nepal (source: ArcGIS), was converted to GeoJSON and then to topoJSON, following the steps from Mike Bostock's Let's Make a Map. The steps to create the topoJSON is also shown below:

Converting to GeoJSON

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON nepal_districts.json NP_75DWGS84.shp

Converting to topoJSON

topojson -o nepaldistricts.json --id-property DIST_ID --properties name=DISTRICT npd.json

In addition, array manipulation and sorting has beeen used from d3-array and ScottMurray's tutorial to find which party won the district election, from the election data, as each district can have multiple constinuencies. The fill color represents the party which won the election, while the color for "DIV" is used when more than one party won equal seats from that district.

I am just trying to teach myself to use this wonderful interface to explore data, hope it helps you also !!!!